Friday, April 11, 2014

Board/Work Meeting, April 15th, 7:30pm

Barn Players Board/Work Meeting Notice:

Meeting immediately follows rehearsal for “The Wizard of Oz”

Roll Call
Additions to the Agenda
Review of Meeting Minutes, Feb 20th, 2014 (action needed to approve)
Bylaws Discussion and Planning
Director “Best Practices” document and planning

The only action item on the current agenda is approval/acceptance of the Annual Membership Meeting Minutes (link below, also emailed to all those in attendance Feb 23rd, 2014). This meeting is to begin a workgroup to start revising/modernizing the Bylaws (link below, to hopefully be voted on at the following meeting, July 15th) as well as coordinating on a Director’s Best Practices document (utilizing a collaboration online format such as Google Docs so that all members/directors can participate in the creation/revision of the document).


If anyone would like additions to this Agenda, please advise. Additions may also be made at the start of the meeting. Meeting materials will be provided. Please share this meeting notice as necessary. Thank you.

February 20th Minutes Link:

Bylaws Link:

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