Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cast List for WILLY WONKA

From Directors Dan & Hannah: "We wish to sincerely thank everyone who auditioned-- it’s tough to do every time no matter how much experience you have. Miles City is truly fortunate to have so much talent from our youngest audition to our oldest! Cuts are hard and many tears were shed by two adults around a dining room table. We strongly encourage all of our auditions to consider trying out for future Barn shows-- we have multiple opportunities a year to shine on the stage and backstage. Community theatre is built on a ton of hard work, both seen and unseen. Thank you for your support and we look forward to this, and all our future shows together."
Cast-- Watch your email/contact information for our scheduled script pickup, CD/Music, and rehearsal schedule this week.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Audition Announcement: "Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka" October 8 and 9

Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka
SUNDAY, Oct 8th or MONDAY, Oct 9th
6:00-7:00pm either day
Convent (Miles City Academy)

Limited Roles Available: not all who audition will be cast.
Show Dates: December 1-3, 2017; CCDHS Auditorium
LARGE Roles for Adults.
LARGE Roles for Upper Grade Students (grades 4-6) and Junior High (grades 7-8).
SUPPORTING Roles for Young Children (grades Pre, K-2) and High School students (grades 9-12).
Directed by: Dan Hance & Hannah Nash 
Questions? Or Schedule an Alternate Audition Time: (406) 951-0560 OR (406) 951-1030

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

ENCORE! "Love Letters", Saturday 10/21 at the Tongue River Winery

By popular demand, the Barn Players Inc of Miles City proudly invites the public to an encore evening performance of “Love Letters” by A.J. Guthrie, Saturday, October 21st at the Tongue River Winery. Social hour at 6:00pm, show begins at 7:00pm.

Starring Bert Pezzarossi as Andy Ladd and Hannah Nash as Melissa Gardner, “Love Letters”, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, is the touching, often funny story of first loves and friendship spanning five decades. Told solely in correspondence between Melissa and Andy, “Love Letters” begins in 1937 with the exchange of thank you notes from a child’s birthday party. Andy and Melissa continue writing each other through boarding school, college, marriages, and the challenges of adult life and relationships. “Love Letters” has delighted and engaged audiences since it was first produced in 1988.

By special request, “Love Letters” will be intimately set at the Tongue River Winery, Southeastern Montana’s award-winning winery and vineyard.

The $25 ticket price includes: performance, wine and grapes by the Tongue River Winery, chocolate, and cheese sampler. “Love Letters” contains mature themes and language and is recommended for ages 13 and over.

Seating is limited for this single event: only 60 seats will be sold! To reserve your spot: text/call 406-951-0560. Tickets can also be pre-purchased at Miles City Area Chamber of Commerce.

“Love Letters” kicks off the Barn Players’ impressive fall lineup for Miles City! “Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical” off Broadway will be produced on the CCDHS Auditorium stage October 27-29. “Willy Wonka”, featuring both adult and child actors, is slated for December 1-3 in conjunction with the Miles City Christmas Stroll.

To keep up with the Barn, LIKE us on Facebook at BarnPlayersInc. To be included on the Barn Players’ notification email list, please send a request to the Board of Directors at

Barn Players Inc is Montana’s oldest amateur theatre troupe; delighting audiences in Eastern Montana since 1950.