Thursday, March 14, 2013

Annual Meeting 2013 Minutes

Barn Players, Inc.
Annual Membership Meeting
Wednesday, February 20th, 2013
6:00pm, Miles City Public Library meeting room

Meeting called to order, 6:08pm.

Financial Report
Amorette move to move $1000 out of Stockman Bank and into the US Bank Building Fund. Denise seconded. Motion passes.

Jerry Austill moves to downloaded statements on the three checking accounts. Addition to the motion for scanning and shredding the three FIB certificates by Dan Hance. Sue seconds motion. Motion passes.

Spring Children's Musical/Show, tentative schedule May 3, 4, 5 at the high school/VA Auditorium. Wizard of Oz. Looking into venue options before booking.

Spring Adult Production: Theresa, dinner theatre at the Park Place, the "I Love Lucy" parody. Tentative dates:  March 22 & 23.

Summer Production "Into the Woods" on the CCDHS stage, look at August dates (similar to Phantom). Bert Pezzarossi to Direct. Seeking sponsorship from Midrivers at least four months out.

Ghost Tour with Amorette Allison, Historical Society:  Saturday, June 29th, possibly at the high school.

Jenny and Theresa are interested in attending a meeting/gathering with Ronny, Miriam Veltman and the students. Hannah will schedule with Jenny, Theresa and Dan and the Community Based Media Project.

Fall Schedule:  "Dearly Departed" in October?

Amorette Allison nominates that the current Officer board to remain Officers for the next year, Bert Pezzarossi seconded. Motion passes.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Nash

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Auditions for "Trouble at the Tropicabana!"

Barn Players, Inc are holding open casting for this spring’s dinner theatre “Trouble at the Tropicabana”.  Open auditions for adults are:

Thursday, February 28th & Tuesday, March 5th
Miles City Public Library

“Tropicabana” an "I Love Lucy" spoof with seven available parts--six of medium size and one small part and a few non-speaking roles.  If you plan to audition for Ricky, be ready to sing!  This is a fairly short play and ab-libbing is encouraged!

Travel back in time to the 1950s where the men were men and the women were wives...or cabana dancers...  Join your favorite "I Love Lucy" characters:  Ricky, Lucy, Fred, and Ethel on a crazy adventure in search of fame and fortune.  Movie mogul heiress Miss Ceila B. De Milo thinks Ricky has the right stuff to become the next "Cuban Clark Gable" but what he does not know is that Miss De Milo is really Cookie; gun-toting, sweet-talking partner-in-crime to none other than notorious gangster, Mr. Big.  The deadly duo has their sights on Ricky to take the fall for their next big heist-- robbing the bank that shares a wall with the Tropicabana!  Add in Ricky's illegal alien cousin Rosita, some cute cabana girls, classic Lucy and Ethel hijinks, and some high octane Cuban rum and you know someone is going to get hurt or even... murdered!

Performance dates for this dinner theatre are scheduled for April 19th and 20th at the Park Place.  Please e-mail the director, Teresa Foley, at, or call the Barn Players at (406) 951-0560 if you have any questions.

The Barn Players, Inc have been providing live, amateur theatre in Miles City since 1950. “Tropicabana” is our Spring opener, with the Children’s Musical auditions coming soon.